[UK-CONTEST] Contest Exchange

Dave Lawley dave at g4buo.com
Wed May 5 14:44:40 PDT 2010

> If the contest committee want to make the message exchange more complex 
> to further test contesters communication skills then forget about RST 
> and think of something else that varies and is unable to be pre-filled. 
> ROPOCO is wonderful for that. Or how about QSO serial number plus last 
> QSO received serial number?

For those who want a contest with a more complex exchange, then how 
about the 80m Sprints? (and, of course, the EU Sprints).

The RSGB Contest Committee introduced the 80m sprints which run from 
August to November as a complement to the 80m CC, in part to address the 
  justified complaints that the big stations stake out all the best 
frequencies (especially on SSB) some time before the start.

The sprint rule is that after CQing and making a QSO you must move at 
least 2kHz. This stops the big stations dominating the frequencies, and 
gives everyone a chance to 'run'. Also, because everyone is on the move, 
you have to copy the exchange (serial number and name, no RS(T)!) at the 
time - you can't hang about and double-check if you didn't get it at the 

In contrast to the 80m CCs which are a victim of their own success, the 
80m club sprints have struggled to gain support and we currently don't 
have enough activity to make them very interesting. Why is this? Do most 
UK contesters fall into the 'big gun' or 'QSO fodder' category, are 
happy with their roles and don't want to try something a little more 

Sprint contesting is fun - please give it a go starting this August. 
Details on www.rsgbcc.org/hf

Dave G4BUO

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