[UK-CONTEST] Real-time sharing of logs between stations in AFS teams

Robert Chipperfield robert at syxis.co.uk
Sat Nov 6 08:13:34 PDT 2010

Hi all,

A wonder: considering, for the most part, the VHF/UHF AFS contests, is 
it acceptable for different members of a team to have a (close to) 
real-time view of other team members' logs? (Maybe with exchange data 
such as serials / locators redacted?)

My use case goes roughly as follows: if station A works a station in 
S&P, it's useful for stations B/C/D to know about that, even if it's not 
following a cluster spot. Clearly self-spotting on the cluster is 
prohibited, but if it's a non-public link (assume: Internet based) 
between stations within one team, knowing the frequency your team 
members are currently operating on confers no advantage (I'm assuming 
that when you're within a few km of each other as required by AFS, all 
team members will work each other quite happily anyway - just look for 
the 59+60 signal!).

Rule 4.i prohibits the "active use of spotting networks", but does 
encourage the spotting of DX stations not on your frequency. So since 
it's allowable to spot DX stations worked whilst S&P on the public 
cluster, is it also allowable to pass this information directly to your 
other team members?

Stations worked whilst calling CQ would be less useful to the other 
stations, but not entirely useless: knowing there's a load of stations 
you haven't worked in IO83 yet, but a fellow member has for example, 
could encourage team members to spend a little longer beaming in that 

All very early thoughts at this stage, but I wonder what the opinion is?

Many thanks,
Rob, M0VFC

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