Andy Summers g4kno.mail at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 04:56:02 PDT 2011

When I've played Chinese whispers at Xmas the only way the message gets
corrupted is when one of the kids deliberately changes it, so it was a bit
of a surprise to me when my own postcode came back with the middle part
mangled after 1/2 an hour! I can understand how errors are made on CW, but
less so on phone. Looking at what I got back, I reckon the errors must have
been because of logging by hand. Of course, I'll have egg on my face if I
don't have a perfect log!

I didn't find it very busy compared with 80mCC, which is reflected in the
claimed scores. It was relatively easy to find a run frequency, so I elected
to alternate running with S&P. I'm out of practice with the 2nd Rx, but I'm
sure I would have done better if I'd operated SO2V as the rate was low.

Having just returned from a stage weekend I can't say I was particularly
'up' for this contest, but wanted to support it because I think it's a good
idea. I'm glad I did. It was great fun. Thanks Rob for QSO 61, which was the
last one.

Ten Tec Orion, inverted-vee windom feedpoint at 30ft. Logging with TLF,
which required some 'post processing'.

73 Andy, G4KNO.

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