[UK-CONTEST] How to liven up our 80m Sprints?

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Apr 7 14:23:04 PDT 2011

On 07/04/2011 14:41, Nigel G3TXF wrote:


> My suggestion for the up-coming series of RSGB 80m Sprints
> is that the rules allow the same station to be worked in
> each of, say, three 30-minute sessions. Yes, I know, the
> logging software would need to be modified, but being able
> to work the same station in each of the three periods, would
> certainly liven up the 80m Sprints,

I suggested this on 10th October 2009 -


    As activity is sometimes low in this event, you might
    like to experiment with a test file using SD's
    "Z RSGB 80m Sprint" template - it's the last entry
    shown on the Template pages.  This is intended to
    illustrate how things might change if repeat QSOs
    were permitted with any station after a minimum of
    30 minutes - separate countdown clocks are shown for
    each station. (You'll need to download the template
    file from www.ei5di.com/sd/qrsgbsp3.tpl and place it
    in your SD folder)

There was no feedback, and the option no longer exists.

Paul EI5DI

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