Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Fri Apr 8 04:52:08 PDT 2011

On 8 Apr 2011 at 12:00, Ian Pritchard wrote:

> I'm not sure that multiple qsos is the answer though. I don't think the
> larger UK contest community is ready for that yet! The best solution
> would be better promotion of the event.  Why not a promotional email
> shot to all the CC entrants.
>  Failing that, a reduction of the contest time to 60 mins would liven
>  things up.

I think most CC entrants will be aware of the sprints. The real issue 
is that many of us don't particularly like the format, find it 
confusing for casual entrants, so give it a miss. I have dabbled in the 
past but didn't really enjoy them. Asking at our local club most say 
that they don't like the format.

Allowing multiple QSOs would in my view be another reason for not doing 

73 Dave G3YMC


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