[UK-CONTEST] Sprints

Dave Sergeant dave at davesergeant.com
Sat Dec 3 06:30:18 PST 2011

I don't see any need to change the sprint format, but don't enter them 
myself anyway.

The whole concept of CC and sprints maybe needs reviewing. At the 
moment it is dominated by a relative few clubs who have many people 
interested in HF and contests. I have been trying to get support from 
my own club with limited success and interest seems to be waning. At 
the most we have 2 or 3 interested in the CW legs of CC, just one who 
does RTTY, and one or two who occasionally do a SSB leg. We have 
discussed sprints, but there is absolutely zero interest in the format 
of those - I tried once and decided never again. Without broad support 
from a club it is really not worth the effort to try and get on each 
month, and I am tempted to drop out next year unless there is more 
enthusiasm for it among our members. At least we have till February to 

Multi-mode sprints would be a disaster, we have nobody who could do all 
three modes in a single evening.

73 Dave G3YMC


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