Ian McCarthy g3yby at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 15 00:49:10 PST 2011

Had a go last weekend with my newly issued short contest call on 20m SB HP.
Couldn't do all of Saturday due to other commitments but found condx to NA
excellent Sat evening.
Not so good on Sunday and the band closed for a couple of hours and then
opened up again (CME?)
Ended up with 45% of Qs with NA and 45% EU.
After a couple of hours (of me being spotted?) people seemed to get used to
the short call which certainly speeded up calls and exchanges.
Ended up with over 200 Qs more than last year:

679Qs, 413 Prefixes, Total score 712,838.

Equipment: FT1000MP MkV with Inrad roofing filter, Quadra Amp (400W!), 3ele
SteppIR @50ft, Wintest with MMTTY as the RTTY engine.

73 Ian G3YBY / F5VKT

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