[UK-CONTEST] 144MHz Trophy - lack of UK activity

Regwoolley at aol.com Regwoolley at aol.com
Thu Sep 8 03:57:40 PDT 2011

I am I guess the closest station to the centre of England! It is now deemed 
 to be a spot near the A5 close to Nuneaton, I am about 1km from it! 
I only came on during the Sat to do a bit of S&P I found there to be  not 
many fixed stations  taking part in a serious way. However I found  there 
were a good few portables out there! The days of big activity like the  80's 
are now gone! However I myself do not think it was as dire a weekend as  many 
are making it out to be! 
The more moans on reflectors saying oh there was no one to work. The less  
folks well make an effort to get on. In other words you are the makers of 
your  own destiny!  Maybe we should employ a spin doctor to put things into a  
better light! 
In a message dated 08/09/2011 11:48:17 GMT Daylight Time,  
g3yyd at btinternet.com writes:
I came  on first using my G3YYD callsign  and after a dozen or so QSOs 
could  find no one else to work. I then worked a few more again using my 
SCC M7T  but got bored with it being so slow so went QRT to do something 
more  productive with my time.

So for me John's analysis was spot on. I  suspect others probably went to 
HF and worked a lot more QSOs then they  could on 144MHz. Personally 
unless I am a serious entry, I only put an  appearance in other contests 
for practice purposes.

73 David  G3YYD

On 08/09/2011 07:04, John Lemay wrote:
> Probably a  lot
> of them were coming on for a short period and giving away a few  points
> before finding something else to do. It means that one must  regularly 
> inland to sweep these guys  up.
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