[UK-CONTEST] VHF NFD - things seem to have changed somewhat....?

Pete Lindsay psl at plcg.org
Thu Sep 22 22:54:34 PDT 2011

Read the current rules?

b. Only groups operating from the British Isles (excluding the Irish
Republic) will be eligible for awards, although a certificate for the
leading overseas entry will be awarded.


On 23 September 2011 03:37, <philhss at tpg.com.au> wrote:

> OK, I admit it. I've been out of the UK for some time now.
> But, I still try my best to stay in touch and get to know what's going on
> in Blighty.
> The VHF FD Results raised an ex-pat eyebrow however. Why would a non-UK
> group be listed in the
> tables? An impressive score, but not wholly relevant to the contest as
> they're not permitted to
> enter as I recall? Or has something changed in my absence?  8-)
> Do these (virtual) winners also get band leader and/or winner certificates?
> 73,
> Phil Smeaton
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