[UK-CONTEST] Club Calls 12th November

David G3YYD g3yyd at btinternet.com
Thu Sep 29 03:50:39 PDT 2011

I have just been looking forward to the next contest entry by VARC and 
thought this might interest others.

The exchange has changed this year. The sending and logging of a club 4 
letter abbreviation is required. This is included in rule 4 for this 
contest. Full rules are here: 

There is a list of clubs and their abbreviation which  is based in the 
main on the first 4 letters of the club name. Ours is VERU (Verulam 
ARC). If your club is not on the list then you need to apply for an 
abbreviation as per this rule quote:

  "Societies and Clubs who are not in this list must email the Contest 
Committee <mailto:club.calls.logs at rsgbcc.org> no later than one week 
before the contest."

You will need to download the rules just before the contest for the 
abbreviation check before logging and educate members taking part.

73 David G3YYD

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