[UK-CONTEST] AFS Super League 2011-2012

Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee g3sqx at edtaylor.org
Thu Sep 29 03:57:45 PDT 2011

*AFS Super League 2011-2012 includes Second 50MHz contest and Club Calls 
1.8MHz contest*

The Super League was introduced in 2010-2011, and included the four AFS 
contests: on 80m (CW and SSB), 2m and 70cm.  The results 
(www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/results/11/AFSsuperleague.html) showed that many 
clubs had been encouraged to take part, finding members to enter on both 
sides of the 30MHz divide.

For 2011-2012 there is an added challenge -- entrants will have the 
opportunity to participate in six contests, all of which will form part 
of the Affiliated Society group. The two new events consist of existing 
contests -- the Second 6m and the 160m Club Calls, to which the team 
element characteristic of AFS is added.  The team size in each contest 
is now standardised at four.

Rules for the two new contests remain substantially the same. However, a 
change in the Club Calls Contest requires a club name abbreviation to be 
The abbreviations for those who have entered the contest recently are 
shown in the contest rules.  Other groups who wish to enter must email 
the Contest Committee to obtain their abbreviations.

Please see www.rsgbcc.org/hf/rules/2011/AFS-SuperLeague2011-2012.shtml 
for Super League information, and for links to the rules of the other 
Affiliated Society Contests.

Good luck!


Ed Taylor, GW3SQX
Chairman, RSGB Contest Committee

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