[UK-CONTEST] Is it time for contest sponsors to introduce anident rule?

Bob Henderson bob at 5b4agn.net
Tue Jul 31 09:32:25 PDT 2012

Turning the issue into a discussion over interpretation of licensing
conditions and routes to their enforcement would be a sure way to see the
rabbit dive into its burrow.

Apart from Paul's tongue lodged firmly in cheek responses I have read
nothing from anyone seeking to defend the practice of infrequent ID.

Direct helpful action is the most likely route to resolving the issue.
Apparently these folks don't know what is acceptable.  Setting out what is
and is not acceptable and doing so clearly within the written rules should
fix the problem among those who act in ignorance.  Those continuing to
offend could then suffer appropriate sanction.

It feels to me this kind of rule would be one of those most readily policed.

Bob, 5B4AGN

On 31 July 2012 16:23, Paul O'Kane <pokane at ei5di.com> wrote:

> On 31/07/2012 16:52, Andrew AC6WI quoted
> a load of licence regulations from 3 countries.
> Don't you just love it when people quote chapter and
> verse from licensing conditions that are widely ignored
> by contesters and which, in any case, are never enforced.
> Andrew states that ("technically" whatever that means)
> UK contesters must ID for every QSO.  Why, then, don't
> they?  Who can we complain to - Ofcom, FCC, ITU, ARRL,
> I'll leave Andrew to answer that - at length!
> 73,
> Paul EI5DI
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