[UK-CONTEST] Important message from the UK Contest Reflector Administrator

John G3UUT UK-Contest at grebe.plus.com
Sun Nov 4 08:38:13 EST 2012

That's unfortunate, I'm happy about the move to Yahoo but unhappy about 
splitting the groups, I think the moderators have given in to the 
voluble minority on both sides leaving us, the silent majority, to have 
to cope with two groups.  I was particularly unhappy about the recent 
poll on this and I now, regret not having made my feelings clear 
earlier.  This poll was conducted by a someone with opinions very much 
on one side and it appears the moderators have gone along with it.  I 
suspect those of us interested in both HF and VHF will now have to put 
up with at least 50% more emails, putting HF or VHF at the start of the 
subject would have been a much better solution

John G3UUT

On 03/11/2012 21:09, Mark David wrote:
> *
> Message From UK Contest list administration
> Important notice to subscribers of UK Contest.
> As administrator for the UK Contest reflector the recent debate on UK
> Contest reflector has brought to the attention of the reflector subscribers
> a discussion that has been held off list for over a year now. The key point
> has been whether to offer opportunities for the HF and V/UHF communities to
> collaborate on their relevant topics of interest in their own forum.
> An additional factor to consider is the current software used for the UK
> Contest reflector which is based on rather dated ‘Mailman’ platform The
> current reflector has served the UK contest community well. In recent
> years, other social platforms with improved functionality and ‘user
> friendliness’ have come to the fore, most noteworthy being ‘Yahoo Groups’, as
> used by many UK and world-wide amateur radio special interest groups.
> With these two points in mind this notice advises all subscribers to UK
> Contest of the intent to:
> 1. Migrate UK Contest to two new groups on Yahoo each focused on HF and VHF
> respectively.
> 2. By the end of November 2012 to close down the existing UK Contest
> reflector
> The user may choose to subscribe to either or both Yahoo groups.
> Migration Plan
> 1st November 2012 - New Yahoo Groups sites open for subscription. Users
> will be responsible for actioning their subscription to the Yahoo Group -
> there will be no invitation process. New subscribers to the existing UK
> Contest reflector will be rejected and informed of the new groups.
> During November 2012 - All postings to UK Contest will be tagged with a
> reminder message, frequent reminder messages will be posted to UK Contest.
> 30th November 2012 - All posts to UK Contest will be rejected, site archive
> will remain accessible.
> How to join the new groups
> Two new groups have been created on Yahoo Groups, one for HF Contesting and
> one for V/UHF (incl. 50MHz) Contesting; all UK Contest members are welcome
> to join either or both of these new groups to continue discussions.
> To join the HF Contest reflector follow this link:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uk-hf-contesting
> To join the V/UHF Contest reflector follow this link:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/uk-vhf-contesting
> For those unfamiliar with Yahoo Groups, it’s easy to navigate and offers
> extra functionality such as searching, opinion polls, a calendar, photo
> gallery and files section that will potentially add to the reflector
> experience. You may be required to configure an account with Yahoo.
> If you need help registering on the new reflectors, please contact one of
> the administrators of these  new groups by emailing:
> uk-hf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk
> or
> uk-vhf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk
> <uk-vhf-contesting-owner at yahoogroups.co.uk>
> John G4IRN, Chris GM3WOJ and Mark G4MEM are jointly administering these new
> groups. As a reminder these reflectors are open to all interested partie
> and operates independently of the Radio Society of Great Britain.
> Thank you for your participation on UK Contest Reflector over the years, we
> look forward to seeing you all on the new reflectors.
> Mark, G4MEM.
> UK Contest Reflector Administrator
> 3rd November 2012*
> _______________________________________________
> UK-Contest mailing list
> UK-Contest at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/uk-contest

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