[UK-CONTEST] Where are the UBNs published

UKCONTEST ukcontest at btconnect.com
Tue Sep 18 18:03:08 EDT 2012

Quote ".. Also, the adjudication process has been made public as you 
would have seen if you had attended my talk at the RSGB Convention last 
year. The UBN reports we issue after every contest details the errors 
made by any given competitor in that contest...."

Erm quite where has it been made public?  Have I missed something, or am 
I as confused as others ? Do you assume that all those interested 
attended your presentation at the RSGB Convention?

Have you a recording of your presentation made at last years RSGB 
Convention? I would like to see / hear a copy, as I didn't attend,( and 
have no plans to attend ), but I am still very keen to understand the 
machinations of the RSGB CC.

Oh, and just because CQ Magazine (or anyone else) don't publicly print 
or make available UBN files doesn't mean the RSGB CC shouldn't.  After 
all if Amateur Radio Contesting is turning into a Sport (which it seems 
to be, if we believe RadCom, the official (?) organ of the RSGB), then 
surely its adjudication should be as transparent as possible....because 
even the adjudicator is taking part, as you point out...and the RSGB is 
striving to be more transparent.

Publish the files, and take the lead.


Adrian MW1LCR

On 18/09/2012 22:14, Ian G0FCT wrote:
> Hi Stewart,
> Ah, I see where you are confused!
> Personal UBN links are sent to every entrant (who makes one or more
> errors), these UBN reports are not made public as they only concern
> the entrant and are regarded as a private communication between the
> Contest Committee and the entrant. If the entrant wants to make the
> content of his/her UBN public then he/she can re-post it but I don't
> think any has so far.
> Are UBN reports produced by CQWW etc made public?
> BTW, thanks for your comments.  I did not respond to all of them as I
> didn't want to "colour" the consultation too much.
> 73,
> Ian G0FCT
> On 18 September 2012 21:57, Stewart Bryant <stewart at g3ysx.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> On the Contest Rules Litmus Test, Ian, G0FCT stated:
>> "Stewart, Radio Sport is very different to other sports, all adjudication
>> occurs AFTER the event is finished. This enables every one (yes, including
>> the adjudicator) to participate. Also, the adjudication process has been
>> made public as you would have seen if you had attended my talk at the RSGB
>> Convention last year. The UBN reports we issue after every contest details
>> the errors made by any given competitor in that contest. The penalty for an
>> error is stated in the rules! So, I think most if not all of the issues you
>> list above are covered."
>> The implication from the above statement from a CC official towards the end
>> of this formal consultation is that the UBNs are published for all to see as
>> part of the conditions of fairness.
>> I just went to
>> http://www.rsgbcc.org/cgi-bin/hfresults.pl?Contest=80m%20CC%20SSB&Band=3500&Date=120711&year=2012
>> ... and I do not see any UBNs listed.
>> So what's up, am I looking in the wrong place?
>> - Stewart/G3YSX
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