[VHFcontesting] VHF Contest Rules Revisions - Part III

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 30 21:05:15 EDT 2003

Hi Ken, Whew! Even if I agreed with you, which I don't, you don't answer my 
final question. How do you enforce such a rule (rule to eliminate "captive" 
rovers or so-called "manufactured" or good buddy QSO's)? Are you saying I 
cannot *work who I want to* in the contest??  Or that I *can only go roving 
on a route that will result in my best score*??? That really IS silly!

Finally, the unlimited multiop is a dying breed because of the "limited 
multiop" category, not because of rovers. MANY of the present Limited 
stations used to be on the microwave bands, but now their equipment is 
collecting dust. That's their choice. We're all getting older (it seems) and 
it is a LOT of work putting together a big station. But I really don't think 
the smaller number of unlimited-multis is because of rovers - "captive" or 

bill, K1DY FN54jq Maine

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