[VHFcontesting] ARRL VHF+ contest proposals: input invited

Bob K0NR k0nr-list at rwitte.com
Fri Feb 20 20:12:17 EST 2004

From: "John Geiger" <johngeig at yahoo.com>
>Well said Mike.  I can't see how the new point rules
>encourage anyone to add more bands.  Since a 2.3G QSO
>would count the same pointwise as a 6 meter QSO, I
>would do better making a few WSJT skeds than I would
>adding new bands.  Not exactly the way to encourage
>activity on the higher frequencies.
> 73s John NE0P
  There is a critical assumption here that the goal is
  to encourage activity on the higher bands. I don't 
  share that assumption or belief (sacrilege!).
  I think the goal should be to maximize the number
  of stations active in the VHF contest, without regard
  to how many bands they operate.

  OK, let me back off a little bit. I do see the value
  of encouraging people to add bands to their station. 
  But I would argue that not every "VHF" contest needs
  to have the same set of bands and/or scoring. Some
  diversity in how the contests are structured could
  be a real plus. We could have one or two contests
  use the existing "Really a Microwave Contest" scoring
  method and maybe the June contest could use a 
  "Really a VHF Contest" scoring method. 

  Bob K0NR

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