[VHFcontesting] The Rover Resource Page updated!

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Tue Jun 8 11:17:36 EDT 2004

On Tue, Jun 08, 2004 at 10:50:56AM -0400, Art wrote:

>                                                             Unfortunately, 
> the ARRL forbids solicitation for contacts via non-amatuer means.

I do not find that at all unfortunate.  Radio contests should not be 
about using the telephone or the internet to make contacts.  They should
be about using the radio to make contacts.

> I've wondered about HF packet though. 80 and or 40 meters provide suitable 
> propagation distances in daylight or nighttime. Since they are amateur 
> radio by nature, you can use HF packet to solicit/spot your frequency or 
> announce you were 'looking SW' for instance. A simple tnc could be used to 
> transmit and receive unproto packets containing spotting information.

The broader question, though, is why are you even trying to find loop-holes
around making VHF/UHF QSOs using VHF/UHF radio frequencies?  What's wrong 
with just calling CQ on the band you're trying to make contacts on?  To me,
this comes across as an urge to cheat barely held in check by the curiosity 
of finding a new way to do so that nobody's explicitly outlawed yet.

(Note: I have changed my primary personal email account.  Please replace
 your address book or alias listings of kharker at cs.utexas.edu with 
 kenharker at kenharker.com.  Thanks! - 31 March 2004)

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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