[VHFcontesting] Better Late Than Never!

Mark Herson, N2MH n2mh at n2mh.net
Tue Nov 21 18:05:06 EST 2006


I've had some time on my hands lately and have been updating the 
www.n2mh.net web site. Mostly, it's been bringing the html up to 
reasonably current standards. However, I've also been able to finish the 
writeups for our January roves this year and in 2004 (where we hooked up 
with Bill, W3IY (SK) and Christophe, ON4IY before the contest).

To see these trip reports (and all our other roves), go to


and select the contest you'd like to read about.

FYI, we have started planning a rove for January in North Carolina. More 
details when we have something to report.

Mark, N2MH and Karen
The Lighthouse II Rover

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