[VHFcontesting] Grid Maps

Eugene Zimmerman ezimmerm at erols.com
Wed Apr 14 13:07:25 PDT 2010

I am in need of a grid map of the Caribbean that includes the state of
Florida and maybe the Texas coast as well. The only things I can find are
copyright and I cannot contact the owners in time to meet my column
Is there any such map out there? It needs to be in a .jpg format and at
least 200k in size so that QST can publish it. The owner has to agree to let
QST publish it.
Please don't tell me about AZ-PROJ. I know it will generate this kind of map
without copyrights but I have tried in the past and I have failed to make it
work. Don't try to expain how either. I want an existing product.
Thanks in advance.
73  Gene  W3ZZ
World Above 50 MHz
FM19jd  MD
50 => 10 GHz
Grid Pirates Contest Group K8GP
Member, CQWW Contest Advisory Group


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