[VHFcontesting] Cushcraft 13B2 Match

Mike Benonis mailinglists at benonis.net
Wed Sep 29 20:28:50 PDT 2010

Thanks to all who have responded to far.  As best I can tell, the T-match presents a balanced feedpoint impedance in the neighborhood of 200 Ohms (whether it's real or complex I don't know), and so I just need a 4:1 balun which I can make out of some transmission line.  Not sure why Cushcraft sells a fancy box for that but oh well.  Guess I'll just slap on a lambda/2 piece of coax and see if that makes it happy.

I do wish the manufacturers would provide more technical data on their products.  It's really frustrating not to have a theory of operation section, circuit schematic, and/or a Smith chart showing the feedpoint impedance.  It's not exactly rocket science, just a bit of EM field and microwave theory...ah well.

73's and thanks again to all who responded.  Feel free to keep the conversation going!


On 29 Sep 2010, at 22:44 , R Johnson wrote:

> Hi Mike:
> Sounds like you have most of the "T Match" already from your description.
> Why don't you go to the CC site and look at the 13B2 diagrams to see what you actually need.
> www.cushcraftamateur.com/prodsupport.php
> Then you can go to the customer support page and pick how you want to contact them and
> get prices on the part you need.
> www.cushcraftamateur.com/custsupport.php
> A number of people on this list have done this and have been happy with the reasonable cost
> and fast service.
> Unless you have something against a "T Match", I think this would be the best/fastest solution.
> I'm getting ready to redo my 6M and 2M beams. I'm planning to get the parts from CC.
> 73
> Bob, K1VU
> At 12:28 9/25/2010, Mike Benonis wrote:
>> Does anyone have experience building a custom match for the Cushcraft 13B2 antenna?  I recently got one, but it was missing all hardware and the match (basically, it came with boom and elements only, including the DE with the T-match pieces parts).  I feel like it should not be hard to build the match but I don't know what the balanced feedpoint impedance is supposed to be.
>> Thanks and 73 de Mike KI4RIX
>> Best regards,
>> Mike Benonis
>> mike at benonis.net
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