[VHFcontesting] Classes in VHF Contesting.....

Jonesy W3DHJ via VHFcontesting vhfcontesting at contesting.com
Mon Jan 5 14:36:42 EST 2015

On Mon, 5 Jan 2015, RT Clay wrote:
>I am against allowing internet announcements for all categories (and
>probably won't come back if that change goes through). Internet
>coordination will lead to too many manufactured qso's. There were
>several times I could not complete a qso with my 10W signal- the other
>station just could not pull out my full call or grid.
>If I could announce my call, band, and grid those would have all likely
>been good qsos- the ear is very good at hearing what it expects.

>But those are no longer radio qsos.


Jonesy W3DHJ/r
  Marvin L Jones     | W3DHJ      | W3DHJ  | http://W3DHJ.net/
   Pueblo, Colorado  |  @         | Jonesy |     __
    38.238N 104.547W |   jonz.net | DM78rf | 73  SK

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