[VHFcontesting] Classes in VHF Contesting.....

Billy Cox aa4nu at comcast.net
Wed Jan 21 11:25:13 EST 2015

Like Tor, I am one of "those HF contesters" (who BTW seem to be
frequently blamed for much on here, that's really not encouraging) 
slowly building a station to explore VHF/UHF from here in Tenn.

While I agree the two settings are different, and therefore need
different 'rules of engagement', some of these changes seem to be
as Tor noted, outside the element of op skill and also 'surprise'?

As a bit of background I mainly operate single op as unassisted on HF
and understand the issue of lower rates and such on VHF/UHF is real.

Just an observation from another "rookie to be" still very new to this.

73 de Billy, AA4NU ... EM65SS

----- Original Message -----
From: "RT Clay" <rt_clay at bellsouth.net>

On Sunday, January 4, 2015 4:03 PM, Marshall-K5QE <k5qe at k5qe.com> wrote:
>Hello All....several folks have mentioned that we have way too many 
>classes in VHF contesting now.  Yes, we have too many classes and yes, 
>we have way too many "HF legacy" rules, but it looks like we may be on 
>the way to improvement in that regard.
>DEFINITION:  A VHF Rookie is someone that is new to the VHF arena.  
>These are the people that we are trying to attract.
>I do not like calling them beginners, newbies, or whatever as those 
>terms are derogatory/pejorative/demeaning/.....  After all, some of the 
>Rookies have 30 years in the HF world.  They are really not newbies or 
>anything of the sort.  They are just beginning to learn of the wonderful 
>world of VHF and up.  Others have just received their Technician ticket 
>and are looking for their place in Amateur Radio.  We want that place to 
>be in our world rather than the "shack on the belt" world.

As one of those "VHF rookies" I thought I would comment. I have been active in
HF contests for a long time (licensed 1986) but entered my first VHF contest
in 2014 (June VHF). I operated as qrp/portable on 6M and 2M. I don't 
own equipment for any other bands (yet) and only have 10 watts on 2M. 
I had a good time (210/59 and 9/8 on 6M and 2M) even though there is little 
VHF activity in my area. I didn't work my own grid and I think I was the only 
station on from EM53.

I had always thought about trying a VHF contest, but have never had equipment
for VHF+ until I bought a K3 which has 6M. I (and I think most other HF 
contesters) do not own a "DC to daylight" rig- they are simply not competitive
for HF contest use. One of the reasons I entered qrp/portable (besides liking
field day type operations) was that it requires less equipment (lower
power, short feedlines). 

I think the biggest source of new VHF contesters are active HF contesters.
Most now have 6M but none of the other bands. The one thing that would get
more HF-types on VHF would be a 6M single band category. Looking through the
June VHF contest results you will find a number of HF contester calls who
made a few contacts on 6M (also check 3830 since many of these guys don't
bother to submit a log). If there was a 6M category some of these stations
would be enticed to operate the whole contest on 6M because they would
actually have a category they could compete in. And after a few years,
some of these guys would get interested in the higher bands and try
the all-band categories. I don't buy the argument that this would 
decrease higher band activity- more stations on in the contest is good, period.

I am against allowing internet announcements for all categories (and
probably won't come back if that change goes through). Internet
coordination will lead to too many manufactured qso's. There were several 
times I could not complete a qso with my 10W signal- the other station just 

I could not pull out my full call or grid. If I could announce my call, band,
and grid those would have all likely been good qsos- the ear is very good
at hearing what it expects. But those are no longer radio qsos.

Starkville, MS EM53

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