[VHFcontesting] The World Above 50 MHz

Ian Hill ihk8mm at charter.net
Tue Jan 13 18:51:18 EST 2015

FWIW. It seems pretty obvious that you've never been the editor of any 
sort of large monthly publication. You really don't have any idea of 
whats goes into publishing a good article every month, but you're 
certainly good at pretending to know what it takes.

Perhaps you could take it upon yourself to web publish an in depth 
article every month and post a link on the reflector. Judging from your 
past behavior on the reflector my guess is that you wouldn't take the 
time and effort to do so. If by some miracle you actually did, you'd 
quickly run out of quality material to cover and need to get info from 
your readership to keep it going...just like every other person creating 
a monthly article for a magazine like QST.

Those are my thoughts, not yours. YMMV.

Ian - K8MM

On 1/13/2015 3:38 PM, Les Rayburn wrote:
> Sorry, but I don't buy into the idea that it's the responsibility of 
> operators to supply a columnist with submissions. The original 
> criticism of the current column was that they were basically just 
> summaries of openings, and lacking any sort of motivation, 
> encouragement to improve your station, and/or information on how to do 
> so. I think that criticism is valid.
> Also, no one forced anyone to agree to write the column. Being the 
> editor of the prestigious "World Above 50 MHz" column is an honor, and 
> holding that position should not automatically shield the editor from 
> critique.

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