[VHFcontesting] Roving in one grid ?

Michael Clarson wv2zow at gmail.com
Wed Jun 17 16:04:44 EDT 2015

Well, Darryl, I'm making this my last post on this matter, as I seem to be
the only one that wants to allow single grid mobiles to enter the VHF
contests under the current rules (at least until there is some
clarification) while others seem to want to apply a more narrow, out of
context interpretation of the rules to ban these mobiles from
participating. As for the correct interpretation of the rules, its not up
to you or I, it is up to the judges (General Rule 7.9. In all cases, the
decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee are final).

Let's talk General Rule 3.7. The rule mentions a 500m circle but does NOT
specify "of a single geographic point". The next rule, 3.7.1 states a
purpose for rule 3.7, and that is to prohibit
remote receiver installations. Now it we go up to General Rule 3.6, it
speaks of Maritime Mobile stations which are allowed in many contests, such
as the 10 Meter contest, Rule 4.4.  Maritime Mobile Stations ARE NOT exempt
from rule 3.7, which, according to your interpretation, requires them to
remain within 500m of a specific point. That is absurd.

Moving over to the VHF General Rules, 2.2.5 under single operator portable
DOES specifically state that there is an original 500m circle within which
one must remain. (*2.2.5.* Single Operator Portable stations may not change
locations during the contest period outside of the original 500-meter
diameter permitted circle). If this rule is to mean the same thing as
General Rule 3.7, why did it need to be repeated with additional
restrictions? 73, Darryl, and hope to work you on the air. --Mike, WV2ZOW

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 12:44 PM, Darryl Holman <djholman at u.washington.edu>

> Nope.  The Single Op category most definitely DOES NOT permit mobile
> operation, with one minor exception.    That minor exception is that a
> person can be mobile, keeping the station within a 500m circle and be legal
> for Single Op.  In other words, you can drive around part of your
> neighborhood.     Once the station makes a QSO more than 500m away from the
> point of any previous QSO, it no longer qualifies as Single Op or any other
> category except rover (for VHF contests) because the equipment has exceeded
> the 500m circle.   (And, of course, a rover must make at least one QSO in
> another grid.)
> This disagreement boils down to interpretation of General Rule 3.7. ("All
> transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter
> circle, excluding antennas").
> The correct interpretation is that the equipment must stay within a 500m
> circle of a geographic point.      Reading the rule to suggest the 500m
> circle can be moved during the contest is absurd.
> Best,
>   Darryl
>   ww7d
> On 06/17/2015 09:04 AM, Michael Clarson wrote:
>> Keith: My suggestion was similar except that  the Single Op category does
>> not exclude mobiles, hence, is OK now. The snag is since the award unit is
>> the ARRL section, it is possible for a mobile to operate from more than
>> one
>> ARRL section yet stay in one grid.  --Mike, WV2ZOW
>> On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 10:53 AM, Keith Morehouse <
>> w9rm at calmesapartners.com>
>> wrote:
>>  Mike - I'll make a prediction.
>>> Change the Rover class to allow a Rover to enter by visiting one grid
>>> and one of these days, the Law of Unintended Consequences will kick
>>> in.  A guy will coax jumper from his vehicle over to his massive
>>> VHF/UHF antenna farm in his back yard, run the whole contest that way,
>>> turn in a 300K score as a classic Rover, kick everyone's butt or break
>>> a long-standing record, totally piss off the Rover community and cause
>>> the rules to be re-written again.
>>> THAT is why I suggested just amending the definition of Single Op to
>>> include mobiles, which would not impact ANY existing class in any way.
>>> Jay W9RM
>>> Keith J Morehouse
>>> Managing Partner
>>> Calmesa Partners G.P.
>>> Olathe, CO
>>> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:57 PM, R. Michael West <k6nc at saciplaw.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>>   If this change were made to Section 2.5: "....who move in or among one
>>> or more grid squares.......", I believe this issue would be resolved.
>>>> That's for those who think it may be necessary. Personally, I don't.
>>>> It is ridiculous to create a new category for mobile operators who
>>> operate during a contest in only one grid, IMHO.
>>>> After all, it's a contest, not a drive out to WalMart with the rig to
>>> make a few contacts on the way.
>>>> Next will be a call for new categories for bicycle mobiles, walking
>>> mobiles, canoe mobile, and the rest.
>>>> 73, Mike K6NC
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