[VHFcontesting] Roving in one grid ?

Darryl Holman djholman at u.washington.edu
Wed Jun 17 17:17:16 EDT 2015

Hi Michael,

> Well, Darryl, I'm making this my last post on this matter, as I seem 
> to be the only one that wants to allow single grid mobiles to enter 
> the VHF contests under the current rules (at least until there is some 
> clarification) while others seem to want to apply a more narrow, out 
> of context interpretation of the rules to ban these mobiles from 
> participating. As for the correct interpretation of the rules, its not 
> up to you or I, it is up to the judges (General Rule 7.9. In all 
> cases, the decisions of the ARRL Awards Committee are final).

While I agree about decisions (and definitive interpretation) coming 
from the awards committee, it is up to every participant to know and 
properly interpret the rules.   I don't feel the need to change your 
mind.   But I think other readers need to recognize that you are 
offering a new and novel interpretation of the 500' rule.   And one that 
is almost certainly incorrect.

   Anyone following your interpretation and going mobile during ARRL 
contests (VHF, 10m, 160m, etc.) and submitting logs in one of the 
Single-Op or Multi-Op classes is certain to have their log thrown into 
the "check log" pile.

Best wishes to you, and I, too, look forward to our first QSO.


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