
Marty Tippin
Mon, 14 Dec 1998 20:05:27 GMT

(My apologies - I originally sent my post from another e-mail address
that's not subscribed to the rttywrite reflector so it got bounced...
Here it is again...  73, Marty KI0LO)

Hi Eric - 

You're sure to hear from lots of people on some of your questions...
Here's a stab at some of them:

* re: editing QSOs - how would WL know when you're done editing the
QSO?  Just be careful next time before you start typing... ;-)

* re: rate window - The upper value in the rate window *is* the hourly
QSO rate - someone will need to explain this better than me, but
essentially it shows the hourly rate extrapolated over the past xx
minutes - when you've been operating more than an hour, the xx minutes
is generally very close to 60.  The bottom rate value still confuses
me - I think it shows the effective hourly rate for the last 100 QSOs
or something like that.  Neither really means much unless you're
running a frequency (I suppose during S&Ping it'll tell you that
you're spending too much time S'ing and not enough time P'ing...)

* re: band summary - it's all there - just stretch the window
horizontally to see everything.  granted, there should be a scrollbar
when the window isn't sized right... 

* re: TRLog "cut numbers" feature - I don't understand unless you're
talking about working CW and entering 5NN for 599 etc. - seems like WL
handles that already but I haven't worked a CW contest with it so
don't know for sure... 

* re: summary sheets - I agree that WL comes up short here - generally
it tries to mimic the summary sheet format for the contest you're
entering - of course, it trashes the layout when you save from RTF to
text format.  But it isn't that big of a deal - a few minutes with a
text editor and you can clean it all up the way you like it...

* re: on/off times:  WL assumes any period where 30 minutes or more
pass without a QSO logged is an "off" time.  So you don't really need
to manually set it, as most contests require minimum of 30 minutes off
time per break.  The contests that say "listening time counts as
operating time" may be the exception - but really, who listens for
more than a minute or so before making a QSO... The thing I'd like to
see is a column in the log showing on and off times - it's required
for the ARRL contests, and I had to manually add it to my SS log.  WL
could easily write the time on and time off to separate columns when
creating the ARRL format log file.

* re: INI file - I'll bet there are far more possibilities for the
.INI file than are documented - as a programmer, I make heavy use of
.INI (actually the Registry) for settings that I usually default to
some value or another but want to leave the flexibility for
customization - I use the default (internal) value when no entry
exists or the value specified otherwise.  But I've also never felt the
need to monkey around in WL's .INI file - and I don't think you should
have to in most circumstances...

If you haven't done it yet, I recommend getting WL set up for RTTY
contests - it's an absolute blast for RTTY mode - and easy to set up
and use even if you don't have a TNC.  The ARRL RTTY Roundup is coming
in just a few weeks - better get ready for it!


-Marty KI0LO

-----Original Message-----
>From: []
>Sent: Monday, December 14, 1998 9:48 AM
>Subject: Impressions/Questions/Wishlist
>I used WL for the first time this weekend in the 10m contest.  My previous
>experience was with TRlog, which I've used for a long time.
>My experience was good overall, but there were some quirks I would have
>liked understand before I started!  I've listed them in no particular
>- Editing QSO's.  After editing an exchange (and pressing enter of ctl-z),
>is there a way to get WL to automatically put me back in the QSO window ?
>I mangled one exchange -- and got myself seriously confused -- when I
>forgot to go back to the QSO window after editing a previous exchange.
>- Rate Window.   Is there a way to get an hourly rate?
>- View Band Summary.  Is there a way to show countries in addition to
>- TRlog has this interesting ability to translate 'cut numbers' so I can
>type in the exchange as sent and the program will transformed them into
>- Summary Sheets.  How does one customize or configure this...I'd like
>something closer to what CT/NA/TR produce (including club affiliation, more
>extensive QSO/multiplier summary etc., omitting the multipliers worked
>which do not appear to be required for the ARRL contest).
>- On/Off time.  Is there a way to manually set the OFF or ON times?
>     Is there a listing of ALL of the configuration parameters possible.
>The help file lists some, but apparently not all,
>     parameters. To that end, can someone send me their file?
>In the end, it was a joy to use WriteLog.
>Looking forward to answers/responses...
>Eric W3DQ
>Washington, DC