TS-950SD Info needed

Ron Stailey, K5DJ Ron-Stailey@easy.com
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 00:26:54 -0600

  Are any WriteLog/Rttyrite users using a TS-950SD.. I would like to get  
  some info you...  Pse reply direct k5dj@easy.com

   73, de Ron K5DJ
 WriteLog Contest S/W for Windows:  (RTTY,CW,SSB,w/Sound Board Voice Keyer)   
 Ron Stailey, K5DJ                   http://www.contesting.com/writelog
 504 Dove Haven Dr.                  E-Mail: k5dj@easy.com
 Round Rock, Texas 78664-5926        Phone: (512) 255-5000 
                  WriteLog/Rttyrite/WinRTTY Reflector:              
         To subscribe send a msg to:   majordomo@larry.wu3v.net
         Subject:  Sub
         Text: subscribe rttywrite