[WriteLog] data from FT-1000MP
Thu, 23 Aug 2001 22:40:59 -0500
I'm lost!
Following K9JY's info page and the HELP files for WriteLog I have
not been able to create a setup that will allow me to read freq from
the radio. COM 3 (assigned to the radio) works, controlling MMTTY
as a stand alone. So the port works. I change WriteLog.ini [PORTS]
to 4800,n,8,1,. I eliminated the 'x' char.
Using SETUP/PORTS, under RIG for COM3 I have it checked.
Select radio. Click the OK button and program hangs. An error
message states that " " mypgm.wl-WriteLog" program is not
responding ". Click RETRY. Same error message repeats
A hint to overcome my personal problem would be welcome.
Vern W9HLY