[WriteLog] Contest module for Worked All Germany Contest available

Carsten Steinhöfel carsten.steinhoefel@web.de
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 19:48:37 -0000


I have just finished the first version of my Contest modules
for the DARC Worked All Germany Contest I dare make available
to the public.

The WAG takes place the following weekend, October 20/21 from
1500 to 1500z. Please find more info on the contest at:

There are two dlls, one for the WAG from DL, one for the WAG
from outside DL. Unfortunately the modules are not quite ready
yet, but I think logging and scoring the contest should work

The modules create the DARC standard STF format which is not
mentioned in the rules but will be accepted. Unfortunately
not all information is put into the header yet, so I recommend
you submit a standard summary sheet with your STF log file,
which can be created by the modules as well.

There is no installer either yet, so you will have to unzip and
copy the files to the Writelog\Programs directory manually.
Please refer to the readme for installation instructions.

The files are available for download at

If you find any bugs before the contest I will try to fix them
but cannot guarantee I will find the time. Anyway I will be happy
to hear any comments - and please work me in the contest (CW only)!

I am also seeking contact to other module writers to exchange ideas.

vy 73 and cu in the contest

Carsten, DL1EFD