[WriteLog] Multi-Multi Network Congestion?

MM0ANT mail@mm0ant.co.uk
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 01:22:12 +0000

At 10/12/2002 01:10, you wrote:

>Based on tests I've done here with donated M/M logs, I'd say a 10BaseT
>network is overqualified to handle the load!
>Gary W2CS

Agreed. We used a 5 machine 10BaseT network at GM5A during CQWW SSB.
Cluster and contacts going all the time. The network hardly got warm! There's
far more bandwidth available than will be used so I would say there's nothing
to worry about, unless you play network Half Life on a couple of spare machines
during your off periods :)


"Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds." SEAL Team saying 

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