[WriteLog] tnc and packet window
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 14:13:20 +0100
Hi Dirk,
the problem is that the WL packet window does not allow to input the
ESC character/sequence required by your firmware. It is meant to be
run with a firmware that has a CMD: prompt.
I think the standard TNCs can be switched to use that mode (sri, can't
remember the name - I am no packet guru). In Europe this has the big
disadvantage that it does not support DAMA.
A good idea for the next version would be a menu item to send the
ESC character (ASCII 27 I believe) to the TNC from the packet window.
vy 73 Carsten, DL1EFD
P.S. Glad I run unassisted;-)
"Dirk Desloovere" <d.desloovere@skynet.be> schrieb am 13.03.02:
> Dear,
> I try to run a random tnc with writlog V10.29 using the packet window.
> This tnc runs errorfree with Logger 8.07.
> The tnc is is pwg tnc 2 using Frimware Version 2.7 software.
> When I start the packetwindow in WL I can see the start protocol with version and the checksum in the window. So the port (com 1 in my case) is communicating with the tnc.
> But when I want to give a command with such as esc i on4adz , or esc c on0ck by using the escape key the packet window closes.
> So I am unable to command this tnc.
> What is wrong ?
> Tnx
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