[WriteLog] RE: [RTTY] Problem with Writelog Cabrillo logs for BARTG test

Vic Gauvin vgauvin@nortelnetworks.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 13:33:12 -0500

The BARTG Cabrillo log problem discussion has focused on the missing "sent

However, looking at the samples and at my own log, I noticed that the "sent
serial number" is not three digits as required by the rules (until it gets
to 100).  Of course, I sent the leading zeroes, having set up my messages
with %3 per AA5AU's excellent site (tks Don).  

So does this also need correction?

Vic K1PY
(K1PY/2 for BARTG)

P.S. Thanks for a great site - always interesting stuff.

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