[WriteLog] Packet Window/Contest Bug
Stephen J. Schrack
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 18:21:47 -0500
This is a follow up to the Contest Bugs subject. I have now tested both
Alt-F3 and CTRL-T and both ways the spot is taken by the node and not
echoed back and no spot comes through on either DX Spider nodes or
PacketCluster nodes. If I manually type the spot into the Packet Window
the spot is echoed back and the spot appears normally on both node
software types. I am running WriteLog version 10.36g on Windows XP PRO.
I hope this gets looked into.Thanks.Other telnet software that I run are
working.For example the telnet interface in LOGic 6 is working fine on
all of the aforementioned nodes when sending spots.
Steve N3MX
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