[WriteLog] Problems with RTTY Transmit

Tom Guntzel tom.guntzel@attbi.com
Tue, 7 Jan 2003 07:33:08 -0600

I am running Writelog version 10.37b under Windows XP and I am using the
MMTTY plug in.

When I go to transmit my rig is keyed for one second and then unkeyed,
nothing is sent.  This happens whether I try to send a stored message or
using the type ahead feature, I also have the same problem when I use
rttywrite instead of the MMTTY plug in.

If I run MMTTY by itself everything is fine so I do not believe it is in
anyway hardware related.   Once in  a while after a reboot it works but it
is not consistent.

Does anyone have any ideas.

Tom Guntzel K0TLG ex KE0KB