[WriteLog] Version 10.42C Transverter Support

Dennis J Hoffmeyer kg6giq at antelecom.net
Sat Sep 13 00:20:40 EDT 2003

Hi Group,


I am trying to setup transverter support for this weekend's VHF contest.
When I set the offsets up for my 222 MHz transverter it does not change
to 28100.0 even though I have the offset set for 194.  Instead it stays
on the frequency that I am currently on and the band map displays a
number that is no where near 28 MHz.  I have un-installed 10.42C and
went back to 10.40J and it works as expected and adjusts the radio to
the correct frequency.  Is there anyone else using the new version of
Writelog that could verify if the offset is functioning properly?  If
not then Ron K5DJ maybe can check the routines for this?  I would like
to use the new version for the grid square support on the great circle
beam headings but if I cannot get the transverter support working then I
guess it is back to the earlier version.


Thank you in advance for assistance with this issue,



Dennis J Hoffmeyer


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