[WriteLog] Writelog-CT17-Radios

W. Wright, W5XD w5xd at writelog.com
Tue Dec 14 07:30:35 EST 2004

>No solution to your problem, but get the same thing regarding "No
>Rig".  Unfortunately, once the "No Rig" shows up it stays until the Port
>Window is pulled down and selecting OK.  Then the radio is once again
>recognized.  The radio is an IC746 using a homemade CAT interface.  This
>problem only occurs with Writelog.  >>
>For what it may be worth, here is my experience. I have a home brew
>with a 756 Pro. It worked perfectly with Windows 95. When I installed
>98SE, I would frequently get the same condition as Mike explains above and
>could "fix" the same way. Now that I'm running XP professional, everything
>works perfectly again. The only change was the OS.  Go figure.   I only run
WL, so
>don't know about any other applications.

I suspect this is caused by the number-of-stop-bits setting WL is
using when setting up the COM ports. Way back since about 1991, WL
has set all COM ports for rig control to 2 stop bits. But certain
combinations of OS, COM port hardware (USB? or on motherboard?),
and rig don't work properly with 2. You can change an INI setting
to tell WL to use 1 stop bit on a comm port. From the [RIGS] topic
in the WL online help:

The COMn:= settings in [RIGS], as of version 10.41, are used for rig control
(only)—but just to control the baud rate and number of stop bits. WriteLog
always sets no parity and 8 bit characters for rig control, regardless of
the COMn: settings.


That very last digit is the number-of-stop-bits. Try creating a [RIGS]
in your INI file and set stop-bits to 1.


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