[WriteLog] Writelog V/S sound card

Dale Jackaman dalej at reboot.bc.ca
Sat Jan 17 01:10:44 EST 2004

I'm also now having a problem with my sound card which I haven't seen 
before, latest build of Writelog 10.44B but the earlier build was also 
doing this.  Worked for months on this machine but it's now a major 
problem. I did a clean re-install of XP and installed Writelog but no 

While running MMTY (or native RTTY in Writelog) the sound input keeps 
bouncing between overflow and very weak and does this mode switching after 
a RTTY transmission.  Does this on both Mic and Line-In inputs.  The audio 
input slider controls can be put to zero and MMTY is still in an overflow 
condition.   Mute is all that works.  Transmitting RTTY on and off a few 
times kicks it into a lower audio input mode that works for perhaps two or 
three transmissions but soon goes back into overflow again.  Not an RFI 
issue as it does this with zero power output.  Not a radio problem as 
sampling the audio output from the 756Pro shows a steady audio output. Not 
the computer because it doesn't exhibit this behavior outside of Writelog. 

I'm stumped.   Any ideas?

Dale  VE7GL
ve7gl at rac.ca

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