[WriteLog] RE: fullcallsign.wav voice-keying (fwd)

Eric Hilding eric at hilding.com
Tue Mar 16 21:34:35 EST 2004

RE-SEND (AGAIN)... even more of a need for this as evidenced by K9PG's
3830 comments about unfortunately losing his voice for part of the DX

Certainly there must be other people of "vision" out there???  All that's
required to implement this are a couple of lines of code ;-(  With so many
SSBers using WriteLog, this would be a natural enhancement.


I just returned from KP2CW & the CW DX Contest...now shifting gears and
most anxious to complete the fullcallsign.wav voice-keying implementation
for future SSB contests.

Has WriteLog been tweaked yet to first look for a fullcallsign.wav file
and if not found, then play the individual alpha/numeric .wav files?

For those who don't know what I'm talking about, my initial "anti-automation" sounding demo (missing "Precedence" is still up at:  http://www.k6vva.com ... including a link to
the "Hot Rod" version.


Rick, K6VVA

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