[WriteLog] Volta Cabrillo???

Roger Cooke rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
Mon May 10 01:54:58 EDT 2004


  Due to the glorious British summer weather, I took the opportunity
to play for
a few hours in the Volta contest. After the test, I tried to make the
log file, only to find out it was grayed out. I tried the trick of
opening another
log file and importing the log, but it did not work. I am using
10.46G. Any ideas?
 I shall probably send it as a text file and hope that will suffice.

73 de Roger G3LDI
rcooke at g3ldi.freeserve.co.uk
g3ldi at amsat.org
g3ldi at qsl.net
g3ldi at gb7ldi.#35.gbr.eu

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