[WriteLog] info

john g crazycuda355 at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 21 08:54:56 EST 2006

Hello All,

I purchased a SteppIR 3 Element and I would like any feedback anyone might have on how this antenna preforms with WL.
I have the BigIR vertical now but when I run contest I have to take out the WYE Cable and use the controll box by hand. with the 3 element would anyone know how to get the steppir to follow spots as I click on one.
The vertical works fine with logging program win-eqf.
If anyone has info or any tricks when installing the 3 element yagi info would be helpful before e install it.
Radio I am running is Yaesu 1000D.
Thanks All 73 John G. N2KPB

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