[WriteLog] Setting Time for BARTG

George K3GP k3gp at arrl.net
Sat Mar 18 19:04:20 EST 2006

Dick-w0raa wrote:
> Is there anything special that needs to be done to set the time sent in
> the BARTG contest this weekend?  Will WL just pick up the time of the
> computer and transmit that time?  
> Oh, BTW, in the past couple contests I have sent out my new call of
> W0RAA and stations using Super Check Partial see W0RA and call me using
> that call, thinking that W0RAA is not correct.  I mentioned it to Don
> Hill and he said that he hasn't seem W0RA in a contest in quite some
> time.  So, if any of you contesters see W0RAA this weekend, it's me, and
> W0RAA "IS" a correct call.  My old call was WB0DUL.  
> Good luck & hope to CU in the contest this weekend.

Writelog uses the time from your computer for the exchange. I keep my 
computer clock set to GMT at all times to avoid confusing the operator (me).

I have the same problem with grabbing the wrong call from Super Check 
Partial users - I only sign K3GP/8 (I'm in Ohio) for those contests, 
like BARTG, that require it. Both K3GP and K3GP/8 are in the files used 
by SCP, and often when I'm forced to use K3GP/8 the user on the other 
end in a RTTY contest clicks on call but only picks up K3GP which is all 
that is highlighted. We waste valuable time getting the /8 added back on.

I detest having to use /8 since (including the shift character) it 
almost doubles the length of my callsign.  I understand it is a 
necessary evil for BARTG and other contests that use US call areas as 

Have Fun!

George K3GP
web site: k3gp.com

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