[WriteLog] WL Bandmap Enhancement

Eric Hilding dx35 at hilding.com
Thu Oct 19 12:30:24 EDT 2006

Jerry, K6iii, posted a comment to the NCCC Reflector which I believe indicates a great WL enhancement opportunity:

> When I make a spot, I always try to include the Multiplier QTH. Unfortunately,
> the QTH does not show up in my WriteLog Mapping window, but does show
> up in the Packet window, so I keep both windows on the Desktop when
> operating.

IMHO, it would be VERY convenient and take up less screen real estate if the MULT ID could be added right next to callsigns in the bandmap(s).  And, to have needed MULTS in the Bandmap show in a "Needed MULT" color for priority action vs. just showing as another unworked "station".

This would also eliminate having to keep looking at several different places in stead of one, which can then improve operator efficiency and reduce fatigue.

Yes, this would be a stellar enhancement to WL.

Tnx (Wayne) & 73...

Rick, K6VVA

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