[WriteLog] WriteLog, WMR RigTalk and IC-746Pro

ki6dy at sbcglobal.net ki6dy at sbcglobal.net
Sat Feb 21 20:24:30 EST 2009

Hi All,

Need some help agn.

I just brought home an IC746PRO and I am having trouble getting it to talk to Writelog. Here's what I done.

1. Installed the WMR Rigtalk USB to CI-V interface. After installing the drivers it shows up in Device Manager as COM8.

2. Edited Writelog ini as follows:


3. Launched Writelog and under Setup->Ports selected Rig Type as IC-746 Pro, Baud Rate 1200 for Com8.

4. Through the rigs menu set rig baud rate to 1200, and CI-V address to 56h. (These were the values listed in the Writelog Help file, however in this help file there is no suggested setting for the IC-746Pro, just the IC-746.) What is interesting is the rig type selection in under Setup->Ports, both models are available, so I assuming there must be some difference in the way Writelog communicates with these two models.

I looked through the Writlog archives and others have had this problem, but the latest posting regarding this subject is almost three years old. 

I have not verified that the Rigtalk and its cable are really good, but after I send this I am going to see if I can get this rig to talk to Ham Radio Deluxe.

Also, I used to have a Kenwood TS570 setup on Com6 and some remnants of its setting still appear in Writelog ini under [RIGS] and [PORTS] even though Com6 is no longer a selection under  Setup->Ports. Just wondering if that might be confusing Writelog in some way?

Any help would be appreciated.

73 de Bob (KI6DY)

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