[WriteLog] FMRE Serial Number Pre-Fill

Gary AL9A al9a at mtaonline.net
Thu Feb 11 10:19:00 PST 2010

Meant to reply to this earlier, but apparently deleted it from my inbox 
before I could do that.  Were you doing the Pre-Fill by importing adi file 
info from a previous contest?  If so, that may be the problem.  When setting 
up WL to hook to the previous adi file and import the data a window pops up 
asking you which fields you wish to import.  By default all fields are 
selected, including the NR field.  Unless you deselect that field the old 
serial number exchanges from the previous contest will be imported and 
populated into the NR field for the current contest.  Obviously this is not 
what is desired.  Just be sure to examine those field names when connecting 
to a previous log adi file and make sure you are going to load only the 
fields you need.

Gary AL9A

>In the FMRE yesterday, the exchange was pre-filled from the prior contact
>with a given station.  That is appropriate for the XE District 
>but not for the serial number.  Others tell me that only the XE District
>abbreviation was pre-filled for them, not the serial number from non-XE
>Furthermore, when I clicked in the new serial number, it replaced the call
>sign, not the incorrect serial number.  This was using 10.75N with the
>latest FMRE contest plug-in.
>Is there a configuration parameter that I have set wrong?
>Ed - W0YK

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