[WriteLog] WriteLog Digest, Vol 127, Issue 6

Alan Maenchen ad6e at arrl.net
Sun Jul 7 14:14:43 EDT 2013


>From your answer, I take that there is no way to get it the way I want
through WL.
I agree with that summation, although that isn't exactly what you said.

I don't think I'm asking for anything crazy.  I want simple audio switching
that mimics exactly what the MK2R+ box has on it's front panel independent
of TX focus.  I can't put the box close to the keyboard for convenience.
That's why I'm looking for a solution under WL control. It's become obvious
that doesn't work.

My backup plan is to physically attach wires to the MK2R+ front panel
switches and bring them out to parallel switches that I can locate on (or
next to) the keyboard. That's not as nice as an integrated solution, but
much better than what I have now.

I'll play with configurations some more since I'm getting functions that
are NOT as you describe .. for example; blocking all audio in both ears
when either TX is transmitting; when RX is in AUTO. I don't see anything in
the router setup or in WL that would do that.
(I just updated firmware in the MK2R+ box and the router... that made no
difference.)  Yes, I've tried several of the canned scenarios.

73, Alan  AD6E

> Date: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 15:14:09 -0400
> From: "Joe Subich, W4TV" <lists at subich.com>
> To: writelog at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [WriteLog] SO2R audio switching option from keyboard ??
> Message-ID: <51D86C81.60404 at subich.com>
> You are asking a question for which there is no simple answer.
> The solution depends on -
>    your understanding of your transceiver:
>      (is SSB monitor and CW QSK generated in the left ear, right ear
>       or both),
>    MK2R+:
>      MK2R+ has eight audio switching states - 1) in receive with focus
>        on Radio 1, 2) in receive with focus on Radio 2, 3) computer
>        transmit (stored messages) with RX focus on radio 1,  4) computer
>        transmit with RX focus on radio 2,  5) transmitting manually (PTT
>        footswitch, or paddles) with RX focus on radio 1, 6) transmitting
>        manually with RX focus on Radio 2, 7) "Stereo" and 8) "Fixed"
>        ("auto" OFF).
>      The audio routing for each of those states is defined in microHAM
>      Router (Functions tab) and optionally stored in one of the eight
>      "functions" memories in MK2R+
>      MK2R+ can also be commanded to arbitrary audio routing by commands
>      within the protocol if the software can send an arbitrary string to
>      the SO2R control port.
>    Your understanding of WriteLog:
>       WriteLog generally has three states - 1) RX focus on Radio 1,
>       2) RX Focus on radio 2, and 3) "Stereo" - with optional "latch"
>       (switch to opposite rig during transmit).  Does WriteLog allow
>       for arbitrary SO2R control strings?
> In general, you need to first determine where the audio is coming from
> (monitor/sidetone), then decide what you want to hear in each of the
> first seven MK2R+ "states", configure each of those states using the
> "Functions tab", save that configuration to MK2R+ to make it active,
> and enable the "Stereo" toggle in WriteLog.
> All the information on configuring MK2R+ is in the User Manual.
> microHAM Router ships with an example "Scenarios" file installed
> in the configuration directory that can be loaded (Load ALL from
> file) to provide a starting point for experimentation.
> Audio switching is uniquely individual - nobody can give you a "do it
> this way" recipe that will be appropriate for your station and your
> personal operating style (particularly since operating styles tend to
> change with changing band conditions).
> 73,
>     ... Joe, W4TV

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