[WriteLog] Problem installing dual run mode add on.

Dean St. Hill dmsthill at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 08:02:15 EDT 2016


Is there anyway to confirm that your .NET framework is uptodate. I seem to
recall there were some updates that were really large that were mainly
updates to the .NET thingy.

Truth is I don't know even how to check but I guess maybe using the update
you may be able to find out.

The other possibility is whether or not the user under which it is being
installed has appropriate priveleges.

Whenever I am installing WL - my computer does everything to prevent me
from installing an "unsafe" programme. The same happened with the 2runradio
utility. You may have a similar issue. As I recall the first time this
showed up I was actually doing an upgrade to WL and when I hit enter
(without really reading the dialogue) nothing happened. I had to run it
again, click the rather small box top left marked "more info" and follow a
few steps before my W10 machine would allow the install. This doedn't
happen on my Laptop  both are W10 64 but I think the desktop was upgraded
from a Win7 Pro install while the laptop was an upgrade from Win8 home.

I hope that adds another perspective to help solve.


Dean 8P2K

*Dean St.Hill*

*Barbados.JustAskLocals.com <http://Barbados.JustAskLocals.com>*
*It's A Big World. Travel Smarter <http://barbados.justasklocals.com/>*

*17 Ocean City*


*dmsthill at gmail.com <dmsthill at gmail.com>*

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 6:05 AM, Bob Henderson <bob.5b4agn at gmail.com> wrote:

> I haven't given up but nor have I made any useful progress.
> On my W10 system with WL v12 installation of the add on is unsuccessful.  I
> can find no evidence the add on installs anything.  In particular the
> following folder is not created.
> C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\WriteLog_Contesting_Softw
> I still have v11.32d running on a W7U system.  It seemed like a good
> idea to attempt the installation of the add on in this system.  So I
> did.
> The outcome of this experiment is exactly as with my W10 WL v12
> installation.  I can find no External entries in the "Command to run"
> drop down list.
> C:\Users\<YourUserName>\AppData\Local\WriteLog_Contesting_Softw has
> not been created.
> Two completely independent machines,  One W7U and the other W10.  One
> WL11.32d and the other WL 12.07  Same outcome in that the add-on does
> not install.
> Could it be the contents of the GitHub repository have been corrupted?
> I am otherwise at a loss.
> 73 Bob, 5B4AGN
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