[WriteLog] Fw: More RTTY?

Mike Streeter wm5dx at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 24 19:58:40 EDT 2020


   ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Mike Streeter <wm5dx at yahoo.com>To: Grant Bright W5XB <w5xb at att.net>Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 06:56:14 PM CDTSubject: Re: [WriteLog] More RTTY?
  Hi Grant.
I share your misery. I'm in Gulfport, MS. I run 500 watts to a Mosley Pro67 at about 55 feet. Like you, every now and then I call CQ into Europe using RTTY.  Then I look out to see if I really do have an antenna.Since the advent of the "weak signal" modes RTTY has become a rare mode. I have heard it said that FT8 is a great way to introduce ham radio to people who would not otherwise be interested, in the hope that they will become interested in, and graduate to, the other modes. Unfortunately, most of the new breed of FT8 operators that I have met have not pursued the hobby any further. That is a great shame because they will never know the pleasure that can come from making a real radio contact, in real time, with a live person at the other end.
I tried FT8 in the earlier days, made a number of contacts and found it to be totally boring, without any sense of achievement. Have never used it since. I have a DXCC certificate awarded for making RTTY contacts, (I have 192 countries confirmed). I understand that now, if I add more countries they will be considered as "digital" contacts. No mention of RTTY. Totally disappointing and an incentive not to bother to submit RTTY contacts for DXCC endorsements.
Oh well, the world is changing and I'm not, but I don't feel that I'm missing anything.
Hope to work you RTTY on the air Grant,
73, Mike, WM5DX.

    On Wednesday, June 24, 2020, 03:54:45 PM CDT, Grant Bright W5XB <w5xb at att.net> wrote:  
Jim, I wish for more RTTY this year.

Every now and then I get on 20m and using RTTY, call CQ. Try pointing my
beam toward EU. 

It is a big beam at 150ft and a kw.

I call for about 20 minutes. The equipment gets a good workout.


Then try pointing toward Asia, same thing. NO ANSWERS!

I just don't know what has happened to regular RTTY qsos.

Started with a hard printer in 1975. Two years later, bought a TAPR TU and
video screen. Few years latter went to Hal and several upgrades went to
ST8000--still have it.

Then in 1998 started using sound card software (Brian K6STI) comparing it to
the ST-8000. Brian's software was far better, but he never brought it into

Long answer to say, I hope we have more RTTY in 2020, but my gut tells me

FT8/4 has become "the way."  Kinda like friends texting instead of calling.

Texting has replaced "calling,"  FT8/4 has replaced "typing."

And so it goes .-.-.-

all the best, and 73, Grant, W5XB, Ga.


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 08:13:25 -0500
From: "Jim Johnson" <jim at kc4hw.com>
To: Writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] FD 2020
Message-ID: <1UWBIRYI2N.3fcjCd95RPu at kc4hwcontest>
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A couple of questions:

1.  Should we expect and increase in RTTY activity this year?

2.  Will Writelog (WL) transition between CW or PH to DIGI and back and
without any problems?


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