[WriteLog] Contest Simulator SO2R

k5zd at charter.net k5zd at charter.net
Sun May 24 22:45:53 EDT 2020

I started playing with the simulator this evening.  It is an amazing piece
of programming work and would be helpful for anyone wanting to get warmed up
before a contest.

I am trying to practice for 2BSIQ mode (alternating CQ/running on two
bands).  It doesn't always give two continuous streams of callers.  I seem
to work one on radio 1 with nothing on radio 2, and then vice versa.  Not
sure if my QSL message is not right, but it is like the simulator doesn't
know I finished a QSO (or know that I am ready for the next one).

After about 15 minutes of running, I stopped having any new callers.  The
automation is doing the alternate CQs, but no one calls me.  Did I run out
of people to work, or did something break?

I stopped dual CQ and just called CQ on one radio.  Still no answers.  If I
tune around, I can hear other sims calling CQ.

It's almost like there is a time limit or a QSO limit on the simulator.

My CQ: cq test ak1w
My TU: tu ak1w

Randy K5ZD

-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog <writelog-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Tom Georgens
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 9:56 PM
To: 'Ken Claerbout' <kenk4zw at gmail.com>; writelog at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [WriteLog] Contest Simulator SO2R


In the "RunMode settings" window you need to check "Dynamic Headphone
split."  It will put both headphones on the radio not transmitting and split
them if neither is transmitting.

To get the settings window to open, you need to create a keyboard shortcut
for "External: Setup" just like what you need to start and stop


-----Original Message-----
From: WriteLog <writelog-bounces at contesting.com> On Behalf Of Ken Claerbout
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 5:47 PM
To: writelog at contesting.com
Subject: [WriteLog] Contest Simulator SO2R

Hi Gang - struggling a bit and thought I would throw this out on the

I'm trying to get SO2R working with the simulator, using the headphone latch
(CTRL X) function.  I've used it for years during real contests.

On the simulator, I have each radio working independently, able to run on
either radio.  When I engage CTRL X for latch, I continue to get sidetone
from the run radio.  I don't hear the S&P radio when the run radio is
transmitting for example.  It doesn't matter which of the two radios I'm
using for run or S&P.

CW Keyer type and SO2R Control are set for WinKey+ORSTP Pipes.

What am I missing?

Ken K4ZW
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