[WWYC] NEW! Please remove the 60 min off time rule in CQ WPX Contests

Fabian Kurz mail at fkurz.net
Fri Apr 8 08:09:12 PDT 2011

Hi Rag and others,

On Fri, Apr 08, 2011 at 01:46:18AM +0200, Stein Roar Brobakken wrote:
> I am being suggestion to REMOVE this 60 minute of time in CQ WPX contests in
> Single Operator class for the CQ WPX contest Committee .

IMHO the 60 minute is good. It might be 30 minutes instead, but going
even lower makes no sense.

If there was no limitation, e.g. if I could take any 5 minute break as an
off-time, many problems would arise: It'd make rubber clocking very
attractive; you could search a new run frequency for 5 minutes and
count it as off-time; calling a rare mult in a pileup for some minutes
in S&P, even more off-time!

Such short off-times are uncontrollable, and you might end up
operating for pretty much all of the 48h, but have enough minutes
without QSOs here and there to make it look like you had 12h off-time.

Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK          web: http://fkurz.net/            .---.
Markgrafenstr. 63                                             |  |  |
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