[Yaesu] FT-900 synthesizer noise

Lucien Stavenhagen lucien@austin.metrowerks.com
Tue, 24 Dec 96 11:44:00 -0500

Hi Dave,

>Lecien;  Yea; I hear it too.  I don't think it's anything from the RF 
>boards.  I suspects it's spurs from the two CPU clocks.
>I think Yaesu intended people to operate the radio with a coaxial
>fed antenna.  The main CPU clock is 19.6608 Mhz, and the front
>panel CPU is 7.3728 Mhz.  You'll hear both with just a wire plugged
>into the antenna jack.

Ok, thanks for the confirmation. I thought I was going nuts and just 
hearing things.8-). Since you mentioned the situation with coax, I did 
notice that you don't hear this at all when you're connected to an 
outside antenna via a coax line... Seems to shield the radio from itself 
Do you hear it down in the 10mhz band as well as at the two center 
frequencies of the clocks? That was what I noticed - on mine it starts 
getting audible at about 9mhz on up to about 11mhz where it fades away.. 
it's loudest just up from 10.00 mhz.

BTW, my ant is an indoor wire right now 8-(; not too good of a QTH. 
That's how I noticed it.

>You can send your own radio a reception report<smile>.

>Have fun!  Dave  WA0ZZG

Lucien S.

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